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Employment Ontario

Funding Support for Training and Hiring

A number of government programs are tailor-made for employers, providing funding support for job training and skills development.

To find out more on program eligibility and incentives:

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Employer Programs to Consider

Job Matching Partnership

This program offers employers financial incentives so they can provide on-the-job training, including apprenticeship training, work experience opportunities, or skills and employability assessment for workers participating in job trials.

Apprenticeship Programme

This is the program of choice for more than 35,000 employers, 120,000 apprentices and 300,000 active journeypersons in Ontario. Benefits to employers: loans for tools, tax deduction for the purchase of tools, classroom training support, apprenticeship grant, grant for those who complete their apprenticeship, bonus for apprenticeship programs not under the Red Seal category, and financial support for apprentices who are unemployed.

Summer Job

As an employer, you could qualify for a financial incentive when hiring students between April 1 to September 30. If you are a private, not-for-profit, or broader public sector employer operating in Ontario and hiring students aged 15 to 30 who are returning to school in the fall, you are welcome to apply.

To find out more about these incentives, please talk to our Job Developer today:

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