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Employment Ontario

Better Jobs Ontario

Laid off?

Come and see what awaits you !

Better Jobs Ontario is a program of the Ontario government that helps you to x train for a new job.

Better Jobs Ontario provides financial support to help laid off Ontarians to participate in training for a new career. The Employment Counsellors at the Centre can help you make the first move.

What is Better Jobs Ontario?

Better Jobs Ontario provides laid-off workers with

  • skills training to help them find jobs in high-demand occupations in Ontario
  • financial support

Better Jobs Ontario is a cost-sharing grant provided on the basis of need, so you may be asked to contribute what you can to your training or education.

Better Jobs Ontario provides up to $28,000 for

  • tuition
  • books
  • other instruction costs such as manuals or workbooks
  • transportation
  • a basic living allowance

Additional support may be available to accommodate the needs of people with disabilities, dependent care, costs of living away from home and academic upgrading.

Who can apply?

Laid off workers, including the ones who took a temporary job to support themselves.

How long should I be out of work to be eligible to apply?

If you were laid off at any time after January 1, 2005, you are eligible to apply for Better Jobs Ontario.

How can I learn more?

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